Creating an International Open Standard Single Instance Global Class Tree

Michael Holdmann
2 min readJan 15, 2024


A tree of base and foundation class source code to instantiate any object (asset, cert, etc.) ever needed.

There has been a significant amount of misinformation in the blockchain space circulating recently from Move programming language projects regarding object models and first-class objects. PraSaga Foundation’s SagaChain stands out as the sole First-Class Object Model Blockchain or DAG project currently in existence.

Wikipedia defines object-oriented programing Inheritance as “the mechanism of constructing an object or class based on another object (prototype-based inheritance) or class (class-based inheritance), maintaining a similar implementation. In a first-class object model, once a class is defined to meet the requirements of your project and other accounts/projects, there is no need to code it again. There exists only one instance of that class, which every account will reference.”

To provide a clearer understanding, we have created an example diagram of a Class Inheritance Tree for supply chain. The industry or product does and should not matter, a part is a part, assembly is an assembly and so forth. By agreeing the a standard global definition for the top level classes allows us to create a reusable single instance of source code on SagaChain blockchain for every supplychain ever created globally for the rest of time.

Example of Base and Foundation Classes for any Supplychain regardless of Industry or Product a UML/SysML diagram

In the diagram, everything originates from SPClassObject and SPClassAccount. There will always be only one global instance of source code on SagaChain for these two base classes, and every object or account “is a” subclass of one of these two base classes.

As we descend the chart to the Foundation Classes, ClassFungibleAsset and ClassNonFungibleAsset “is a” subclass of SPClassObject. ClassPart, ClassAssembly, ClassSerializedPart, ClassCertificate, etc., “is a” subclass of ClassFungibleAsset or ClassNonfungibleAsset.

All Foundation classes have only one global instance of source code on SagaChain, representing an international standard definition for what a “part” is, for instance.

Hence, for any supply chain worldwide, irrespective of the industry or product, there will always be a single global instance of ClassPart source code on SagaChain referenced. The account then creates an object of ClassPart and defines precisely what that specific part is. This principle applies similarly to certificates, assemblies, licenses, rights management, etc.



Michael Holdmann

Founder & CEO at A Foundation building Decentralized GlobalOS and a Single, World Class Tree.